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Zirc Luxembourg


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Lions Club tour in Herzogenbosch (the city of H. Bosch) Vaux le Vicomte castle

Keszthely, castle "Helikon"

The castle of the Festetics family, who did a lot for the Hungarian agriculture to flourish, including a school called "Helikon" which became the predicate of the city of Keszthely and the castle

The statue of György Festetics, one of the notable mambers of the family stands in front of the castle

The castle is now a museum with furniture from different periods (not all from the castle)

The "György" saloon (named after the member of the family mentioned above)

The concert room

The beautiful library was saved by a (probably Ukrainian, bearing the name of the national poet of the Ukraine, Shevtchenko) Soviet major who had it walled away, marking it "contagious deseases' department")

Chinaware from Meissen


A road through hills with forests leads to the city

The main square of the castle district

The palace of the bishop

Mount St Benedict at the end of  Castle Hill

The "Fire tower" guards the entrance of the castle

Church of the Jesuits

Some statues also

On the square at the castle entrance and in the surrounding streets there are also nice buildings and sculptures, mixed with some modern ones

Zirc Abbey