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Guillemin station
Cities main page
St Paul's cathedral Luxembourg
St Jacques church


Exhibition: the 80s

Nancy, art nouveau

Lions Club tour in Weimar Amenes, Soissons and Guise


The station with a million faces: Guillemin

Sculptures in Parc d'Avroy

Memorial of the fallen in the fight against the Nazis

Cinema "Churchill"

Charles Rogier, an important personality of the revolution of 1830 resulting in the independence of Belgium 

Guillemin station

Designed by Santiago Calatrava

Now, the Rubik-cube is central
indicating the exhibition of the 80s

The bridge leading to the station

St Paul's cathedral

The apsis

The organ, the eastern window
and baroque statues

A side window

Baroque angels

A Madonna from the 12th century


St Jacques' church

The altar in the north nave, from 1884

The apsis and the anteroom of the church