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The interior of Avioth Basilica
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Montmédy Luxembourg


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Mayen and the castle of Bürresheim Dublin
Lions Club tour in Herzogenbosch (the city of H. Bosch) Vaux le Vicomte castle

Excursion of the Arts History Section of the Cultural Circle of

the European Institutions in Luxembourg

October 2016, Avioth, Marville, Montmédy

Basilica of Avioth

The Basilica with a monument in front

which hosts a Madonna

Different stories are told about why a basilica is exactly in Avioth.

One tells that - in exchange for the architect's soul, the devil helped to build it
but as one stone was missing when the
cock cried, it lost the soul of the architect

The portal of the last judgment

With the scenes of crucifixion, resurrection and meeting Maria Magdalen

The northern gate
With scenes of the massacre of the newborn by Herod and the escape of the Holy Family

The suthern front with a face between its legs
to avoid marrying in May...

The interior of the Basilica

The White Madonna

The shrine

The statue of St Ursula
(showing the cut in her head
made by the executioner)
is believed to heal the
mentally ill

Wonderful sculptures ornate the church  and also remains of some frescoes

The chancel

 and the "Ecce homo" scene

The bottom of the sculpture is
reminding of a juggler who presented
his skills to the Madonna
The fortress built by the governor Allamont

The church in the citadel dates 

from the 17th century

The gate of the fortress   

The outer entrance of the citadel

Main square

City Hall

Left the festive Hall, right the Finance Office
The fortress is visible form almost everywhere in town

The memorial of U.N. peacekeeping forces


The Cathedral
devoted to St Nicolas

The house of Cavalier Michel

The loggia of the house with scenes from
Roman mythology and the legend of the horse Bayard


On the market